September 27, 2024

Breaking Barriers in B2B Sales: Why Your Most Seasoned Reps are Resistant to Change and How to Help Them Adapt

Like other sectors, the printing industry is navigating a significant transformation in how B2B buyers interact with sellers. A key hurdle to growth is the resistance often seen among seasoned sales representatives when embracing fresh sales methodologies. This reluctance can be a formidable obstacle to your company’s success. Let’s delve into the factors behind this resistance, its implications for sales growth, and actionable strategies to support your experienced reps in adapting.

The Reluctance to Change

Comfort in Familiarity

For many seasoned sales reps, decades of experience have refined their skills, leading to a strong reliance on tried-and-true methods. These familiar tactics—like cold calling, stop-ins, and fostering deep personal connections—have historically yielded results. Transitioning to new approaches may feel intimidating, requiring stepping beyond the comfort zones they’ve meticulously built over the years.

Fear of the Unknown

Introducing new sales techniques can appear daunting, particularly for those who haven’t grown up in a digital landscape. Tenured reps can be discouraged from engaging with modern sales strategies because they fear struggling to master unfamiliar approaches and tools. Moreover, the worry that their established expertise has become irrelevant adds another layer of resistance.

Perception of Technology

Reps who have been selling for decades may feel uncomfortable with the latest technologies, such as CRM systems, virtual selling methods, or AI tools. This creates a mental barrier to embracing these innovations. Rather than admitting their fears and asking for help, they spend hours trying to highlight minor issues and justify their desire to avoid using them. Changing this mindset is crucial for driving acceptance and integration.

Reduced Need for Cash

Reps whose children are grown or no longer have a mortgage may have a reduced need for income. It may sound crazy to owners, but money is not the motivation that it once was for these reps. They have become complacent with their existing incomes, and growing them may not be enough to force them into learning mode. Setting revenue and new business goals and holding reps accountable for meeting these goals can help, but without consequences, there is no accountability. If your reps know, you aren’t likely to let them go if they don’t meet their goals; the goals themselves will not overcome their reluctance to change.

The Impact on Sales Growth

Missed Opportunities

Today’s B2B buyers are increasingly tech-savvy, expecting seamless and integrated sales processes. By sticking to what reps perceive as “tried and true” methods, your sales team is likely missing opportunities to expand accounts and find new business. Worse yet, their reluctance to use new selling skills could cause leads generated by your marketing to die on the vine. The result is lost potential for your company.


Traditional sales techniques can often be labor-intensive and less efficient. Without leveraging CRM solutions, sales automation, and data analytics, your team may be caught in a quagmire of manual lead tracking and follow-ups. This inefficiency not only slows down response times but also diminishes overall productivity.

Lagging Behind Competitors

Although many companies in the printing industry struggle with modern sales and marketing approaches, some have cracked the code. And they very well could be your competitors who are using innovative sales techniques to secure a competitive edge. Remaining stagnant in your approach poses a risk of falling behind in the market. In a landscape where innovation drives relevance, a sales team resistant to change can hinder your growth trajectory.

How to Encourage Change?

Always Be Training

Cultivating a culture of continuous learning within your organization is critical. Scheduling regular training sessions and interactive workshops tailored to your experienced reps is a great way to introduce new skills. Make these opportunities engaging and directly related to their roles, emphasizing how new tools can complement rather than replace their existing skills. Assign relevant actions to help reps quickly internalize the training and integrate it into their daily work processes. 

Lead by Example

Leadership is instrumental in fostering change. Showcase your commitment to new sales methodologies by actively engaging with your sales team. When your team observes you fully embracing new tactics and techniques, they will be more inclined to try it themselves.

Provide Support and Resources

Equip your reps with the right tools and support to thrive. This includes comprehensive training and continuous encouragement from mentors who can coach them through adopting new skills or ‘tech buddies’ who can assist them in overcoming technology hurdles.

Highlight Success Stories

Sharing real success stories from other reps or companies that have embraced new sales methods can be a powerful motivator. Tangible examples of success can demonstrate the benefits of change and inspire your team to explore new avenues. Peer testimonials are particularly effective in driving this point home.

Incentivize Adoption

Consider introducing incentives for reps who successfully incorporate new selling techniques into their daily workflows. Whether through bonuses, recognition programs, or advancement opportunities, positive reinforcement can stimulate motivation and encourage broader acceptance of change.


Embracing change can be challenging, especially for those who have dedicated years to fine-tuning their craft. However, embracing the evolving landscape of B2B sales is not merely advantageous but essential for success today. By understanding the roots of resistance among your seasoned reps and providing tailored support, you can help them become comfortable with what it takes to be a successful B2B seller today. This proactive approach will enhance sales performance and secure your organization’s competitive standing in a dynamic market.

Are you ready to instigate change and empower your team to thrive? Start implementing these strategies today and observe the positive impact on your sales figures. For further assistance, feel free to reach out—Evolve Sales Group is here to support you and your team on this journey to success.

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